Monday, March 14, 2005

Why, oh Why???

Why is it that when you're feeling especially, exceptionally bloated, you cannot resist scarfing down chocolates by the tonnes? (Im typing this with one hand, and the other hand is holding a snicker bar)

And why is it that you keep wanting to eat eat eat eventhough you feel your chin growing a twin (ker triplets nih)?(All you lucky people who don't have this urge, I hate you! Go away!! >oP)

Oh God. Ni baru 2nd trimester. I'm going to feel like the Hindenburg when I'm towards the last trimester of my preggers.Oh God.I am sooooooo FAAAAAAT!!!!.... I eat like a Godzilla!

But I'll bet a pink Baby-Gshock would make me feel better. Although the blue one kinda kicks serious cool ass too. ;o)

P/S: I heard Shaz from MixFm said "Married, Fat and Happy peeps couldnt care less about their body sizes." Which I think its ultimately TRUE. :)

Snickers anyone?
 Posted by Hello

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