Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Posh Toilet at KLCC

Will you pay RM2 to use the premium toilet at the ground floor of KLCC? My friend Shara has told me about the toilet last year. Well, I just had to experience it only now.

Yes, I paid 2 Ringgit, and ... there was a nice Toilet Attendant in the new renovated toilet complete with scented candles. There were three cubicles in the premium toilet. And the conversation...

Toilet Girl: Welcome Miss, let me open the door for you.
Moi: Thank you. (10 seconds later, realizing that she was still there, outside the door...)
Are you going to be here through out?
Toilet Girl: I'm here to assist you, Miss.
Moi: (Tried very hard not to make disgusting noise in the cubicle).
Toilet Girl: Are you alright Miss?
Moi: I think so.
Toilet Girl: Just tell me if you need anything.
Moi: (That's it, I have to do my 'job' elsewhere and came out of the cubicle).
Toilet Girl: Was everything ok Miss?
Moi: Extremely...

But I must say, the Toilet Girl was well trained.