Saturday, November 20, 2004

Making a Difference

Friends used to say to me: "If you wanna help people, you've got to be rich first". I've never believed so. I think it's an excuse.

Yes, it would help if you were rich, but really, it doesn't have to be a pre-condition to making a difference in the world out there. If you decide to make a difference, put your mind and effort to it and you will!

I'm one of those unlucky people in the world - I did not yet get to combine my passion for making a difference and my career, all in one bag. I didnt get paid to do what I love to do so that there are thousands of people out there who benefit from the service that I provide. I am still searching for the right job for my soul. When can I get money, satisfaction and a sense of purpose all in one package? If it's within one grab, then what else can one ask for?

But at present, you ended up sitting in the position which doesn't allow you to actually speak your point of view, nevertheless make a difference. The word change is just a myth that exist elsewhere. C'est la vie they said. You are force to accept the fact that you are too young to know that the world will be the same elsewhere. There is nothing much you can do dear. But yes, you are rebelious. You want to change things. You get slammed on your way. But you just dont care. You believe in miracles. You believe that dreams will come true. They want you to become cynical, hysterical. They want you to adapt well to their culture, to be slow and steady and acceppt things as they are. But you are never ever ready to give up. Your wisdom, self-determination, desire, and believe stood still despite all the shake up.

The secret to not becoming cynical with the uncertainties is to make sure that your efforts at making a difference are defined and focused.

Make sure you know your limits and fight within those limits, to make sure that the right things get done. Do your best but prepare for the worst. They aren't always ready for the change that you'd like to see from them. But you have to persevere, lest this nation and society will be inherited by corrupt and self-serving dogs, who are more interested to see their comfortability and self interest are being taken care of pretty well.

"So, what's in it for you?" they ask. Aside from my monthly contractual salary - absolutely nothing. Just the satisfaction of contributing and making a difference. They look at me like this is an act of pure folly.

Perhaps, they don't understand what wealth is to me. It's not about how much you take, it's about how much you give, in all sincerity. Not everything should be defined by what car you drive.

I want to feel lucky, I want to make a difference.